Salamanders mod REFORGED: Unto the Anvil of War!



Salamanders 2.0

(Fall 2019)
NOTE: Requires the LATEST FREE UI!!

Welcome to the Salamanders mod for Soulstorm, which adds a new race, the Salamanders chapter of the Space Marines to your game of Soulstorm.
This is the NEW version of Salamanders mod!

The Salamanders are a chapter who come from the planet Nocturne, which has very high gravity and because of this the Salamanders are bigger and stronger than other marines, albeit a bit slower to react to things. Also, they have difficulty with using aerial equipment owing to the difficulties of training in such an environment. Further, owing to the radiation then they have mutated to have black skin and burning red eyes.

Followers of the Promethean Cult they believe in self dependence, so have trained in the art of manufacture and tend to field higher numbers of custom weapons, armour and as skilled blacksmiths, they have a lot of hammers. The cult values fire and so too do the Salamanders, who favour flamer and melta weaponry.In addition,they are the most humanitarian of all Space Marines Chapters.In other words,the best bros.

This mod is not strictly codex, what with them not having one, but is our interpretation of the chapter so we know there are fluff deviations in place.(The Order of the Argent Shroud-the only Order that is best friends with the Salamanders-makes a small cameo for example.)

New 2.0 Version Description


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