Dawn of War The Crucible Mod

                                                          We are the Crucible Mod.

Nice quick patch this time around. We weren't originally intending on releasing another patch until the next "big patch" where the SM Chapter system will see it's first implementation. Due to enough bugs being found in the campaign we decided to do a quick bugfixing patch so that people can enjoy the campaign without various crashes on the various stronghold missions. We have also done some additional work on the Honour Guard units to make sure they feel considerably stronger than the standard units.

What are we and what can we offer? After being one of the parties that worked on the private rebalance that was gifted to Ultimate Apocalypse (DoW Soulstorm) and became UA 1.89, we branched away and decided to carry on development under a new name.

                              Here is the XV104 Riptide titan and below, the XV107 R-Varna titan;

Why? To be able to do things under our own reputation and forge new friendships with other people in the DoW mod community. What can we offer? We are working closely with one of the most prolific model creators in the history of DoW.

We also have dedicated people for balance, implementing new content, overhauling AI and overhauling the team-colour. Very soon we will also get back to hosting tournaments and regular streams with community players.

There are no false promises with us. We don’t spend years promising a mythical new version and teasing stuff that we have no idea how to actually make. We have the people and the skills to actually deliver the Ultimate Experience for large scale DoW battles.

INSTALL GUIDE FOR - "TheCrucibleMod_CoreInstaller_v2.00"


Simply needs installing in your Soulstorm directory!




Files needed

Tyranid_Mod_0.5b3_Installer - Moddb.com


The latest Crucible patch (link in the discord - Discord.gg)

DowOnlineUpdateInstaller - Dowonline.ru

Step by step instructions

1) - Install the Tyranid mod. This needs to be installed into your Soulstorm folder.

2) - Install "TheCrucibleMod_CoreInstaller_v2.00". This also needs to be installed in your Soulstorm folder. It will say the folder already exists. Would you like to install anyway. This is fine. Click yes.

3) - Install the latest Crucible patch into the Soulstorm folder.

4) - Go into the Soulstorm folder and click on "DoW_Mod_Manager_v2.2.1.0" application. There is a button top/middle called "TOGGLE LAA". If the writing below is red,

click the button, it should turn the writing below green (writing will say Soulstorm.eve: LAA Active" and below that, "GraphicsConfig.exe: LAA Active" when green).

5) - If you are wanting to play a lot of PvP, we recommend installing DowOnline. Don't worry if your computer flags it as potentially containing a virus. It's fine! It will create a shortcut on your desktop. This is what you'll

use to load the game. It will allow you to play PvP matches without preloading. If you don't want to play PvP matches, feel free to open the game in other ways (via

the Soulstorm exe or the mod manager for example).

6) - Open up DowOnline. There are a few things we need to do.

- In the various menu dropdowns at the top of the app;

- Optional - go into the "Maps" menu at the top and install all the maps

- Go into "Patches" and unlock all the races

- Go into "Fix game-errors" and check everything is green. You will need Soulstorm 1.2 for the bottom item to be green. If it's already green then you're good. If it's not then you need to get Soulstorm itself updated.

- Go into "Settings" and check "New message sound notification" isn't ticked.

- In the main section of the app

- Choose "The Crucible Mod" on the "Selected mod" drop down list (bottom/middle of the app).

- Make sure "Launch 1.2(if Steam version)" is ticked if you're playing on steam version.

7) Optional (but highly recommended) - go into the "maps-for-download" section of the discord server and download the maps. Paste them into "Dawn of War Soulstorm\DXP2\Data\Scenarios\mp"



Here is the alternate installation method for the v2.03 patch release of The Crucible Mod. Use this if you are having issues with the installer for some reason (or if you, like me, just prefer the simple process of unzipping a mod to the Soulstorm directory). If you need any help with installation come visit us at our Discord page (link in description). We'll be happy to help.

INSTALL GUIDE FOR - "Crucible-v2.03 patch (Unarchive to Soulstrom folder. This is not an installer)"

Simply needs unzipping to your Soulstorm directory!
This will need the a v2.00 installation to already be present in your Soulstorm folder. Patches do not need to be installed sequentially (v2.03 can be installed over v2.00 or v2.01/2).

                                                                     Mod Run in Dawn of War

                          File: the-crucible-mod-v200-core-files-alternate-zip-version 3.59gb

                         File: Crucible Mod v2.03 patch - alternate ZIP version 146mb

Baixar agora
   Download Now

WINRAR CORE FILES: https://www.moddb.com/mods/the-crucible-mod/downloads/the-crucible-mod-v200-core-files-alternate-zip-version

PATCH: https://www.moddb.com/mods/the-crucible-mod/downloads/crucible-mod-v203-patch-alternate-zip-version


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