Chaos Daemons Mod Soulstorm

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Chaos Daemons Mod

Official Stand Alone Race For Dawn of War: Soulstorm

The Daemons mod created by the official
Daemons mod team has been released! Ever since 12/31/12, the Chaos Daemons mod was reworked to an extreme, here by including a total revamp to the Daemons mod version 0.96 back almost a year ago. What does version 1.4 bring? Only epicness. Only new stuff all over the place, only a total revamp! Daemons mod fans out there, if you played version 0.96 and you liked it, version 1.4 is A NEED TO GET!

Here is a good starting description of the Demons race.

A complete version for Daemons mod! 2.0! REQUIRES OBJECTIVE POINTS MOD! REQUIRED FOR ULTIMATE APOCALYPSE! Includes tons of balance changes, AI improvements, new structures, new units, and a possibility to summon ANGRON! So get Daemons mod 2.0 today!



- Download the latest SS Objectives mod:

- Download FreeUI Mod:
- Make a clean install of Daemons 2.0.

- Ultimate Apocalypse mod not compatible.

Released by Cylarne @ 11/25/15

Note: In order to avoid messing around with the 1.6 build, this one can be installed independently. Is named Chaos Daemons. This way, you will have NO problems with the previous build, or with Ultimate Apocalypse daemons race integration. 

Chaos Daemons 2.0 changes:

Regrettably, I didn't keep a detailed changelog while updating.
Here is a brief idea of what has been changed.

Visual Updates
Thanks to the recent gentle choice of the game creators, to "kindly tolerate" us using/importing DoW2 assets to DoW1, I have updated our model assortment. Given the chance I want to thank the guys, as this "unofficial" initiative gave us the opportunity to enrich our mods with some great visuals - to say the least.
So then:
- Building Updates. Most are changed to more appropriate versions.
- Bloodletters, Bloodcrusher, Herald of Khorne models added. Previous blood letter and herald models still used at different roles. See in-game integration.

Small Taskbar Updates
Chaos Daemons 2.0 now use (require) the FreeUI project. The UI is slightly optimised, with many UCS reference updates. More importantly, the lesser/greater daemon caps and descriptions are now as they should. No more "vehicle", "support" or "infantry" cap references and icons. We now have Lesser and Greater Daemons cap.

SCaR Rules Used
There are two new rules, both running once at the beginning of the game, so they have NO impact on performance.
> The first rule is about the Chaos Daemons Sacrifice wincondition. It allows the usage of sacrifice, depending on player's choice (see in-game description of the wincondition). In short, it's now up to the player to chose if the sacrifice ability will target his own commanders, or his allies' troops!!
> The second rule is WIP (hence the "beta"). It allows the usage of Angron for ONE player. The idea is complex, and I have not finished it yet. For now, if you hear a "Let the blood flow from here" sound at the beginning of the game, ONE Daemon player gets to spawn Angron. The player is chosen randomly, so if more Daemon players are involved you cannot be sure who was the lucky one. For this player to get Angron, he must: a) Go Greater Daemons b) Get to last tier c) Have a relic d) None of the following are in-game or being requisitioned: Daemon Lord, any Greater Daemons or any other relic unit. Angron can only be selected from the HQ that has the Hellfire addon. He requires 8 Greater Daemon Cap, so you must also employ Sacrifice. He remain in game for a short while. After that, you will be unable to spawn greater daemons for sometime. His stats are still WIP. You will also get some UCS (localiser) warnings, as I took Angron directly from UA, and didn't get the appropriate UCS lines yet.
Note1: It sounds complex. IT IS NOT. Anyone familiarised with Chaos Daemons, will get it right away.
Note2: For lesser daemons, I have daemonic Incursion plans. Not done ANYTHING there yet, this is still WIP.
Suggestion: Ignore the Angron rule, and play the game as normal.

AI updates.
Besides the updates, there was a nasty AI CTD concerning the Hellspawn. The fix was a bit complex, due to the peculiar requirements of the Hellspawn. Anyway, it is OK now. I had to make a small visual compromise on Hellspawn's destruction to fix it, but it is something that can easily be neglected.

AE Updates
- Countless fixes. Tons. Most are trivial. But some were really necessary.
- Many events updated. Many FXes now appear as they should. (Example: The shield FX of the Daemon Lord)
- Quite many abilities' updates. Heavy ones.
- Many other updates that I now forget.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I modified obliterators of the the vanilla Chaos Marines, to use different model/icon/audio, so that to keep the original obliterators to daemons. The model used for CSMs is more appropriate, if you ask me. And the same goes for their voice. If I am not mistaken, this model is brother Warsmith's work.


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